“The Best Things in Life, You Can’t See”

I just loved the new Little Prince movie that came out!

It was so great and I LOVED the old man in the movie.  I felt like I was there hanging out with him in his backyard chatting, making things, exploring and hanging out.  I was loving it.prince

He was so fun, creative, comforting and wise. He was a real friend to the girl in the movie, who was being raised by an overbearing, over controlling, perfectionist mother who saw no room for “just being a kid” in her daughter’s life.

With her new found neighbour friend, the girl could just be herself, daydream, use her imagination. Be a kid.

One of his very true comments that he pointed out to her was:  “The best things in life, you can’t see”.

I couldn’t agree with this observation more.

They are matters of the heart, blissful moments, connecting to the undercurrent of life, feeling connected – to life, people, nature, love, yourself.

I think often as people get older, many just stop playing.  Either they don’t have time anymore, lose sight of it in the face of all that must be done or forget.  I mean real playing.  The simple kind.  Not “playing” with fancy cars, boats, electronics, new things, fancy excursions or trips, but plain old simple playing.  The “old fashioned” kind – just being silly about nothing in particular, pretending, being adventurous, singing, imagining, daydreaming, soaking in the beauty of whats around or flowing with your creative urges.

I found the old man (who was really not old at heart) so authentic, so comforting and la-la-ca-sneaks-the-little-prince--movie-03-jpg-20160106grounding.  He was lonely, but seemed at peace.  He occupied himself with matters that to others seemed odd.  Really though, his pre-occupations were full of life, love, and understanding of what is important.  I wish this old man was my neighbour.  He was old, but so young at heart.  I wish that aura upon us all.

As I get older, I see myself aging on the outside (I noticed a grey hair the other day!), but in my heart I still feel 15.  I have a feeling I will always feel this way, whether I’m 15, 38 (what I am now), or 85.

“The best things in life, you can’t see”.


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