Better with Time, by Jane Francisco

I love the “Better With Time” editor’s letter that Jane Francisco wrote when she was editor-in-chief at Chatelaine.  I had clipped it out of the magazine back in 2013 and just came across it again.

In the article, she describes a conversation that she had with her uncle about “change”.   He was working on a theory on the passage of time and how our brains record it and pointed out to Jane that “the more change we experience and the more drastic those changes are, the longer life feels“.  Their conclusion: “Change, good or bad, slows down time”.

I loved Jane Francisco’s takeaways from her conversation that day with her uncle.  They were a positive spin on change and a good reminder that change is something worth embracing.  Change is  “like a gift of more time”.  It makes time feel longer and makes life interesting.

Enjoy the read.



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