Space in Time

I have been reflecting on how my life situation continues to evolve. How as time goes on, the stories change. Some things end (whether an experience, professional role, relationship, or perspective) and new things start.

Does it mean that if something ends, that it was not successful?

I do not think that only things that last a long time (into eternity).. are the only ones that are “successful”.

Maybe it was successful for a time and now it is not.

Regardless of how long something continued, that “thing”, is beautiful as it holds space in time .

Maybe the spaces in your time that has passed look like this:

Or maybe they look like this:

Or maybe this:

Whatever the visual, our experience, our relationships, our life periods are marked by these “spaces”. They mark a segment of our adventures and are encapsulated by space in time. Time that has been spent. That is beautiful.