I recently heard such a touching news segment about a penguin that travels thousands of miles every year to visit a 71 year old man that saved him from an oil spill years ago. Instead of making the traditional yearly pilgrimage to go to his breeding ground with the rest of his penguin clan, he travels great distances in the opposite direction to visit the man that saved his life.
Here is an article on the story:
When I heard this heartwarming story, I thought of it as a story of love, attachment and an example of how sometimes people you meet along the way, just feel like family (even-though they may not be blood related). Maybe they have cared for you, maybe you have connected, maybe they just “get you” and feel like home – regardless of whether they share the same genes, family history or even species. Some people just feel like home.
I’ll end this post with this quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you’ve said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget you made them feel”, Maya Angelou